Our members connect to local members and professionals through FSGA Chapters. There are currently 16 local Chapters. These local Chapters service a catchment area and are a wealth of information for issues in local communities. In addition, many Chapters offer educational sessions at their meetings which are approved by the Office of Public and Professional Guardians for Continuing Education Credits.

Chapters select Directors and Officers to guide their organization and plan and coordinate their own meetings and activities. The President (or the Designated Representative of the Chapter) serves on the Board of Directors of the FSGA and serves as a liaison between the Chapter and the statewide organization. Chapters serve as a resource and provide educational and networking opportunities for FSGA members who would like to become more involved at a local level.

Chapter Info
Click on any of the dots on the map to learn more about that chapter.
Tri-County Heartland

Polk County, Hardee County and Highlands County.

Contact Name: Sara Fuentes, Chapter President
Treasure Coast

Martin County, St.Lucie County, Indian River County and Okeechobee County.

Contact Name: Gina Rossi-Scheiman
Space Coast

The Space Coast Chapter covers Brevard County.

Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month


1894 S. Patrick Drive, Indian Harbour Beach FL 32937

11:30 Networking 12-1pm in person via ZOOM 12-1

Contact Name: Robin Phemister
Southwest Florida

Charlotte County, Lee County, Hendry County and Collier County.

Contact Name: Ginny Yates
South Florida

Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys.

Contact Name: Barbara Reiser
Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County. Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month 8:30am-10:00 am. Locations vary.

Contact Name: Melissa Rapkin
Mid Florida

Part of Lake County.

Contact Name: Vivian Quattlebaum, President
La-Mar Beach

Part of Lake County, Marion County, Volusia County, and Flagler Beach areas.

Contact Name: Mary Lou Mc Keon
Hillsborough County

Greater Tampa Clearwater and St. Petersburg.

Contact Name: Vacant
Heart of Florida

Part of  Marion County, Sumter County, part of Lake County, Citrus County, Hernando County, Alachua County and surrounding areas.

Contact Name: Lashunia Frazier
Gulf Coast

Sarasota and surrounding areas.

Contact Name: Blake Caldwell
First Coast

Greater Jacksonville and surrounding areas.

Contact Name: Rita Agnew
Central Florida

Greater Orlando and surrounding areas. Chapter meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:30 pm.  Location and speaker change each month.

Contact Name: Diana Shields
Broward County

Broward County.

Contact Name: Bambi Williams
Big Bend

Tallahassee area and surrounding panhandle areas.

Contact Name: Gail Rapp, Chapter President

Members of FSGA are not required to also belong to a Chapter although many do. Any group of members may form their own Chapter. If you have questions please contact the Executive Office.

Become a member of our Association by visiting the Membership page.

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