FSGA’s 1st Annual Ethics Symposium was a day long event for guardians, attorneys and like professionals at the Osceola Council on Aging ion Kissimee. This day long in depth look at Ethics hosted a renowned lineup of speakers, and offered 6 CEU for Guardians and CLE in ethics for attorneys, and featured:
Ethics in Guardianship– Kenneth W. Goodman, PhD, FACMI, FACE, Professor and Director, Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy
Ethical Geriatric Medicine – Dr. Gary Miller, Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Family Practice UCF Medical School
Ethical End of Life Decision Making– The Honorable Margaret H. Schreiber, Circuit Court Judge, Florida 9th Judicial Circuit Court; William Johnson, Esq., Secretary, The Florida Bar, Elder Law Section; Lennie Burke, Professional Guardian and Mediator; Nicole D’Amico-Schaal, ARNP; Chaplain Daisy Avila Santiago, Kindred Hospice
Ensuring Ethics Through Guardianship Monitoring– The Honorable Ken Burke, CPA, Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller; The Honorable Sharon Bock, Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller; The Honorable JD Peacock II, Okaloosa County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller; Anthony Palmieri, Deputy Inspector General, Division of Inspector General
Exploring Ethical Dilemmas – Steven E. Hitchcock, ESQ., Florida Bar Board Certified in Elder Law, LL.M. in Elder Law; Irene Rausch, National Master Guardian

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