Join the FSGA on March 11th for a two hour virtual symposium on Ethics.
“Decriminalization of Mental Illness” with Risdon Slate, Ph.D, Professor of Criminology Florida Southern College on Mental Health and Criminal Justice, and
“Ethical Issues in Dementia Patients at the End of Life” William Allen, J.D., M.Div., Associate Professor, Bioethics Law & Medicine, University of Florida.
This virtual training will offer Guardian CEU, CLE and credit from the CGC. Sign up today. REMEMBER TO LOGIN FOR MEMBER PRICING.
Once you sign up follow the zoom link in your confirmation email.

Speakers: Risdon Slate, Ph.D. and William Allen, J.D., M.Div.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Join hundreds of guardians and attorneys for our Virtual 3rd Annual Ethics Symposium
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