Lunch Sponsor - $2,000.00 (1 Opportunity Left)
Provide lunch for the small onsite audience. This sponsorship includes
- Feature article in newsletter (full page article)
- Live speaking 3 minutes or a promotional video
- Logo linked to website on all the pre messaging materials and emails (going out to our 4000 plus email audience)
- Shout outs during the event
- FB and linked in recognition as sponsor of event
- Display logo on power point and in recorded video
- Signage at event
Featured Sponsor - $1,000.00 (1 Opportunity Left)
In person or virtual featured sonsor opportunity
- Live speaking 3 minutes or a promotional video
- Logo linked to website on all the pre messaging materials and emails (going out to our 4000 plus email audience)
- Shout outs during the event
- FB and linked in recognition as sponsor of event
- Display logo on power point and in recorded video