Members, please join us for 2.5 hours of FREE continuing education brought to us by our generous sponsors SEM Applications and RBC Wealth Management. Our program will be held from 9AM to 1PM for two comprehensive sessions. The morning begins with “Confidentiality: What Would the Ward Do?” presented by attorney, Lois B. Lepp, PA followed by a brief Annual Meeting of the FSGA members and and an informative “Guardian Roundtable” with Robin Phemister, NCG; Pam Wiener RG, Ph.D.; Penny Maitner MA, NCG, where three seasoned guardians address difficult scenarios and best practices. These two sessions are FREE to FSGA members. Please sign up below, the ZOOM link will be provided in the confirmation email. Once you register with ZOOM, a meeting link will be sent to you, one week, one day and one hour prior to this exciting event.

Speakers: Robin Phemister, NCG, Pam Wiener RG Ph.D., Penny Maitner, MA, NCG and Lois B. Lepp, PA
Sponsorship Opportunities
Many thanks to our generous sponsors at RBC Wealth Management and SEM applications.
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